Human (Resources) of TapMango: Amrita

Human (Resources) of TapMango: Amrita

In celebration of International Women’s Day we wanted to feature our amazing HR Specialist, Amrita. Read all about what makes her tick and where her drive and determination comes from:

What are some of your hobbies / interests?
I love listening to Drake and I watch a lot of Netflix in my downtime. Right now I’m watching this series called “The Sinner”. I’m really into murder mystery, true crime shows. Other than that, I work out, I like online shopping and I love walking my dog. Her name’s Miya and she’s a black golden doodle.

What do you work toward in your free time?
I’m studying right now for the CHRP certification. That’s something I want to achieve by end of this year. It’ll help with my knowledge in HR, management skills, etc.

Do you have a secret talent?
I’m good at my job and being personable and being able to scoop people up and let them vent to me.

Teach me something I don’t know in the next five minutes.
To relieve stress and anxiety, you rub the palm of your hand with your thumb and it helps calms your nerves. It’s something I’ve always kept in the back of my mind and teach people about if they are anxious about anything, big meetings, interviews etc.

Who is the most influential person in your life?
Definitely my parents. I think everyone can agree, with our parents coming to this country and working from the ground up and doing it in the most honest and humble way possible. I’m proud of my parents for that, especially my mom who worked three jobs and my dad who worked two. They have molded me into the hardworking and driven individual that I am today.

If you could have lunch with anyone, living or dead, who would it be?
Oprah. I love everything about her – her success, her entrepreneurial spirit. I just want to pick her brain and understand how she comes up with her interview questions. She’s able to ask simple questions yet get so much information out of people.

What keeps you coming to work everyday?
First off, the people. We have such a close knit group. Jaclyn and I take pride in hand picking people for our team. It’s so important that everyone meshes together. Not only that, but I feel like my managers have entrusted me with a lot of responsibilities and allowed me to take on so many different projects. I love the work I do and that’s what keeps me coming back every day.

What makes a good Human Resources professional? What are the ideal qualities?
If I had to pinpoint a few…I think communication is definitely the top skill you need to have. It’s important because you are communicating with different people, whether it’s your manager or other employees. You need to be able to communicate effectively and be an active listener.

Another quality is being organized. If I wasn’t organized I’d be running around pulling my hair out.

Lastly, being compassionate because HR is the voice for employees. It’s important to be able to resonate with them and to speak up for them.

What advice would you give to individuals interested in entering Human Resources? What advice would you give to your younger self?
For someone to be successful in HR, it’s more than what you learn in university. It’s about getting as much hands-on experience as you can, whether it’s volunteering or looking for internships or connecting and networking with people. The biggest thing is being unique and being able to show that on a resume. I’m always looking for something different when I’m going through resumes.  

The advice I would give to my younger self is to not be afraid to make a bad decision. Each decision you make teaches you for the next time; it’s never a loss, always a lesson learned. When I was growing up and figuring out what I wanted to do in life and where I wanted to take my career, I was always indecisive. My advice would just be to not be afraid to take a challenge head-on. That’s the only way you’ll be able to overcome your fear or give yourself the ability to learn something new.


Thank you Amrita for sharing your words of wisdom with us and Happy International Women’s Day to all the powerful women trying to make a difference in the world.