Sweetberry Bowls Finds Sweet Success

Desi, founder of Sweetberry Bowls, has achieved amazing results through both his ingenuity and his use of TapMango’s powerful marketing features. By using the platform to not only grow his customer base but to engage with customers, he’s been able to increase his revenue and grow at an exponential rate.

Sweetberry Bowls Finds Sweet Success

Read how Sweetberry Bowls has achieved unprecedented success with their automated marketing campaigns and amazing friend referral system.

Sweetberry Bowls at a Glance

Below is a snapshot of the success Sweetberry Bowls has seen since they started using TapMango:






customers directed to leave an online review



average monthly revenue boost*



friends referred

*Revenue boost is revenue that is attributed to the use of TapMango’s platform (ex. flash sales, money spent when redeeming a voucher, etc).

The Most Powerful Marketing Tool for Your Business

Desi, founder of Sweetberry Bowls, has achieved amazing results through both his ingenuity and his use of TapMango’s powerful marketing features. By using the platform to not only grow his customer base but to engage with customers, he’s been able to increase his revenue and grow at an exponential rate.

“TapMango has increased customer frequency and in turn revenue…TapMango is one of my most powerful tools where I can literally drive traffic through the doors with promos.

I would definitely recommend TapMango to other quick-service restaurants. We have grown a large user base using TapMango and we continue to market to our customers through the platform.”

-Desi, Founder & CEO of Sweetberry Bowls


About Sweetberry Bowls

Desi created Sweetberry Bowls in October 2017. In the first 14 months, Desi had opened 14 locations across the US. Today, there’s 23 locations total.

Criteria for the Perfect Loyalty Program

Desi was looking for a loyalty program that could integrate with his POS system but also had the marketing tools he needed to grow his business and build his brand. He wanted a program that allowed him to:


Grow customer base


Drive traffic to the stores


Increase revenue through text messages and push notifications


Automate marketing efforts


Grow customer base.

Desi’s first goal was simple – he wanted a platform that would help him grow his customer base. Here are a few of the ways that TapMango’s system helped him reach a base of 20,000 customers in only the first 14 months of business and over 94,000 customers in 4 years.

Leveraging Existing Customers to Grow Your Business

TapMango’s friend referral system allows merchants to reward customers for referring their friends. Desi set up his system so that both the referrer and the referred friend were rewarded. As a result of this system, Sweetberry Bowls gained 887 new customers through friend referrals.

Improve with Instant Feedback

The key to growing your customer base is to ensure your existing customers are happy. Not only will these customers refer their friends to your business but they will also leave positive reviews on Facebook, Yelp, or Google, bringing in more new customers. Through TapMango’s system, over 3.5k happy customers were directed to leave a positive review on Sweetberry Bowls’ Facebook page.

Promote, Promote, Promote

The key to getting customers to sign up for your loyalty program is to promote, promote, promote! Sweetberry Bowls does a great job at promoting their program and their mobile app, through social media posts, their website, and in-store tablets.


Drive Traffic to Stores


Increase Revenue Through SMS and Push Notifications

Targeted Campaigns with Customer Grouping

Desi utilizes the customer grouping feature to send targeted messages to specific individuals. A few examples of how Sweetberry Bowls groups its customers is by:

  • VIP status
  • Amount of points earned
  • Gyms they’re partnered with (gym members get additional rewards)
  • Customers who haven’t visited in a while


average monthly revenue boost

Measure Your Success

With the revenue boost feature, Desi is able to measure how much additional revenue his rewards program is bringing him. In addition, with his revenue boost data, he is able to determine which campaigns are successful, which rewards are the most popular and which features are bringing him the most return. This allows him to constantly tweak his set-up until he’s achieving optimal ROI.

Instant Deals = Instant Revenue

As the only program that allows merchants to sell directly via SMS, email, and push notifications, Desi took advantage of this unique feature. Sweetberry Bowls’ Instant Deals have been purchased 3,700+ times. Their most popular deal is “Load $20, Get $5 Extra” which encourages customers to load their wallet with $20 credit to receive a bonus $5. By sending this offer directly to their customers, Sweetberry Bowls instantly receives additional revenue without customers even stepping foot in their stores.


Automate Marketing Efforts

Keep Customers Coming Back

With the “We Miss You” campaigns feature, messages are automatically sent out to customers who haven’t returned after a specified number of days. For Sweetberry Bowls, Desi has set up his program to reward customers who haven’t returned in 7 days, 14 days, and 21 days, rewarding them with incrementally better rewards for each period of time. With this feature, Desi has been able to bring back almost 19k customers, or 20% of their database.

In addition to all the features listed above, Desi’s positive experience with TapMango is due in part to TapMango’s fantastic customer service:

“The customer service has been outstanding. The support is super helpful as I am growing and working 17 hour days, I rely on my reps to help me out.”

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